Marketing Dentistry presents... Leadership Skills for Everyday Wear - Marketing Dentistry

Marketing Dentistry presents… Leadership Skills for Everyday Wear

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Leadership Skills For Everyday Wear: A Participation Masterclass for Dentists and Practice Managers with Sandy Roth.

A lot of people talk about leadership, but they don’t tell you how to be a better leader.

How do you handle everyday leadership challenges when you are gloved, gowned, louped, masked, and up to your elbows in saliva?

The practicing dentist has many obligations and often must wear many hats. Thus leading the team frequently takes a back seat to more pressing challenges. As a result, expectations can be unclear, issues go unaddressed and problem can continue unresolved leading to a confused staff, a frustrated dentist and many missed opportunities.

This year, at Marketing Dentistry, Sandy Roth will be conducting a dedicated leadership workshop for Dentists and Practice Managers on the following day after the Marketing Dentistry seminars.

Leadership Skills for Everyday Wear is a leadership masterclass designed to help Dentists and their Practice Managers learn how to clearly define the practice and guide their staff. This interactive participatory Masterclass will help you and your Practice Manager identify leadership challenges and position yourself on a path to greater accomplishment.

Learning objectives: 1. Develop your own functional definition of leadership 2. Learn why, when, and how to communicate your practice purpose, standards of care, ethics and beliefs to your staff 3. Develop your own action plan for implementing leadership concepts in your practice.

Full Price Tickets : $1495.00
Marketing Dentistry VIP Inner Circle member price : $995.00
** prices exclude GST.
** Please note that this will be a full day session that will take place the following day AFTER Marketing Dentistry 2015. While Dentists are encouraged to bring their Practice Manager, Practice Managers MUST be accompanied by their Dentist.

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